A variety of writings, notes, musings, and articles on a multitude of topics. Some you will enjoy, others you will dislike. That's life. They can't all be winners.
I was talking about this last week when the news about Google's quantum computer was making the rounds. Research physicists who study the progress of quantum computers are now warning that we are 5-10 years away from commercial quantum computers that can break the encryption holding the…
This is absolutely ridiculous. This dude was only just indicted this morning, and hasn't even been extradited, yet there's already two documentaries being produced about him? Aren't the documentaries a bit premature? We don't even have a verdict! I don't…
I'm always delighted by just how fast and easy it is to buy #Bitcoin with Cash App. I just made my monthly purchase, and the bitcoin was credited to my account instantly, with no confirmations necessary. Transferring it out to my on-chain wallet took about 10min, which…
What's your standard greeting when you encounter someone? Do you say Hi? Hello? Whatsup? I'm a NY boy so everyone gets a "How ya doin" from me. I don't think about it. It just happens. But I'm curious about your…