Don't ever let anyone tell…

Don't ever let anyone tell you that having money means you're free from problems, or that your life is automatically smooth sailing. Because that's bullshit. Life dishes out shit no matter what's in your wallet. Maybe you don't have certain

What's your standard greeting when…

What's your standard greeting when you encounter someone? Do you say Hi? Hello? Whatsup? I'm a NY boy so everyone gets a "How ya doin" from me. I don't think about it. It just happens. But I'm curious about your

"Censorship makes the world smaller; it…

"Censorship makes the world smaller; it makes the world scarier. It teaches us to fear experiences and ideas different from our own. Censorship is a thief. It divides and conquers; it steals the possibility and opportunity that come from community, from what happens when we put our collective heads

I'm really digging how awesome…

I'm really digging how awesome @Minibits has been. It had a few bugs when I first started, but the devs are so helpful and responsive, and they quickly made fixes. It's pretty much flawless now. Don't sleep on Minibits. It's probably the

I am a very empathetic person,…

I am a very empathetic person, and I'll never apologize for that trait. Empathy is one of the best abilities we have as human beings; the ability to relate and put yourself in the other guy's shoes. I'll never apologize for feeling on behalf

What the hell happened to the…

What the hell happened to the saxophone? Back in the 80s and 90s, the sax was the coolest instrument in the band. Across genres, and styles, it was the sax that everyone loved. When I was in school, all the boys wanted to play the sax, but there was only…

As you get older, it is…

As you get older, it is increasingly more difficult, expensive, and complicated to do something about a career rut and/or the need to break out and retrain for something else. That, and discovering real talents and passions for things that you realistically have no time or possibility to pursue…

What do you do to cope…

What do you do to cope if the world's been kicking your ass, and it doesn't look like the whoopin' is gonna end anytime soon? #musings…

Your experience is not everyone's…

Your experience is not everyone's experience. Your way is not the best way for everyone else. If you believe in freedom, leave people to be who they are, and to do what they want. Not to be who you want them to be, and do the things you

Any idea why still…

Any idea why still isn't updating profiles properly? Some information, like LN address, don't update for weeks after making a change. And the relay information is just wrong even though it has my correct NIP-05, and my current outbox relays are are properly

My feed has been a lot…

My feed has been a lot better since I added "" to my hidden words filter in Amethyst. It's like that whole thing just doesn't exist! #musings…